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What exactly is the World Climate Game? +

The World Climate Game is an app-supported board simulation game. It was developed by the non-profit Weitblick GmbH in cooperation with experts from the fields of education, psychology and climate science.

It serves as an innovative tool for climate and environmental education and  playfully imparts knowledge and understanding of the complex ecological, economic and social challenges of our time. Through the game´s design, the big picture of a globalized world becomes visible. The World Climate Game aims to strengthen education, awareness and the ability of young people to act.  Through this interactive and insightful game, players will be able to actively and informedly participate in the much-needed discussions about our planet.

Who is the target group and for whom is the World Climate Game suitable? +

The World Climate Game is a versatile instrument that can be used in various areas of education and training to deepen climate knowledge and global sustainability. The World Climate Game is designed for young people aged 13 and over

Target groups:

It is ideally suited for the use in:

  • general and vocational schools (secondary level I and II)
  • educational institutions for trainees and students
  • NGOs, associations, leisure education institutions
  • companies in apprenticeship training.   

As a team-building activity for adults, the World Climate Game can also be used in the adult education sector to raise awareness and understanding of the topics of climate change and sustainability.

Who is running the World Climate Game? +

The game is led by a game master who will be assisted by a game operator.The World Climate Game can be carried out by the Weitblick-Team, but there is also the possibility  to be trained as a World Climate Game Leader.

The training concludes with a certification that entitles you to perform the game independently.

The following training modules must be completed in order to be allowed to play:

1. A complete gaming experience as a participant (3 days)
2. Participation in a 2.5 day game management seminar (in Vienna)
3. An internship at a game with the target group

What requirements and materials are needed to carry out the World Climate Game? +

For the implementation of the World Climate Game, the following is required:

  • Game master and game operator
  • Room size: min. 75sqm² - the bigger the better! Square shape would be optimal
  • Large circle of chairs with plenty of room to move around, number of chairs according to the number of players +2 for the coaches
  • A table island in the middle, which in the best case has the dimensions of the game board (155cm x 155cm)
  • Three additional tables for material dispensing
  • Two pin boards
  • A projector with a projection screen or a large screen (e.g. smartboard)
  • Good internet access, which allows all players to use the internet in parallel (check firewall settings if necessary)
  • A power strip
  • Room should be lockable and available for the entire duration of the game
  • smartphones

How big should the group be and how long does the game last? +

Time frame:

The time frame is designed for 3 days or 5 half-days (approx. 21 hours). The following time frame should be set for the completion of the game:

  • Set-up and room preparation approx. 3 hours in the afternoon before the  start of the game
  • Five-day game: approx. 5 hours per day (e.g. 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) with lunch break (recommendation)
  • Four-day game: approx. 6 hours per day (e.g. 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) with lunch break
  • Three-day game: approx. 7 hours per day (e.g. 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) with lunch break

Number of players:

  • Optimal group size: 25 people (each role is occupied by a team of two), min. 12 people
  • larger groups possible by arrangement (max. 50 people)
  • For an optimal gaming experience, it is recommended to play the game with 25-30 people

What needs to be done before it can be carried out? +

World Climate Game Checklist

  • Create a list of the names of the participants
  • Recommendation from the teacher as to which of the players on the list meet the following criteria: "very socially competent and well-integrated into the classroom" (For the role of the "International Independent Organization"), "strong desire for justice, politically alert and a good self-assertion in the face of peer pressure" (For the role of civil society)
  • Players need a smartphone + possibly a charging cable (alternatively: a laptop or tablet)
  • Here, the minimum requirement is one device per team, i.e. min 12 devices
  • If photos are taken: Declaration of consent for photos, video recordings by the parents (if participants under 14)
  • Contact details for contact persons (email and telephone): School management, responsible teacher, IT officer

We ask you to send all relevant data listed here to the organizers before match date!

What skills does the World Climate Game promote? +

The World Climate Game strengthens and deepens life skills such as problem-solving skills, critical and networked thinking, self-efficacy and communication skills. Through the group context, the game also promotes understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others.

It aims  to deepen specialist knowledge and contribute to the formation of values. It strengthens awareness of global interdependencies and one's own actions and supports young people in developing confidence and the ability to act in order to master global challenges together.

What is the content and how does the World Climate Game work? +


The climate  crisis is visualized on the large game board, which represents the world with its different climate zones, landscapes, and the effects of human activity. Over a thousand tiles represent various aspects of the climate crisis. In addition, a scientifically based simulation in the background calculates the greenhouse gas circulation and the effects of the players' decisions.

The three dimensions of the World Climate Game are:

  1. A simulation game in which participants slip into the roles of global decision-makers and experience the climate crisis from a global perspective.
  2. A board game that works with a large, detailed game board that represents the world and its challenges.
  3. An app and database that runs in the background and simulates the consequences of players' decisions on greenhouse gas emissions.

The World Climate Game begins with an introductory phase that takes players from the Neolithic Revolution to industrialization to the present day. The actual game starts in the year 2000 and ends the year 2100.  Each game round represents a decade. In each round, players will have to react to different events such as tipping points, extreme weather events, environmental disasters, and social crises that are triggered depending on their choices. The aim of the game is to master the challenges and complete the transformation to a sustainable way of life and economy.