„What we do today will determine what the world looks like tomorrow.“

Boris Pasternak

Youth Only Have a Short Time Left to Save the World - World Climate Game in Walsrode

In addition to the district administrator and the mayor, representatives from the education association, the adult education center, the Spiel Foundation, the Rotary Club, and the industrial park showed interest in our board game.

The approximately 30 students had the opportunity to engage with topics such as renewable energies, resource conservation, and the social impacts of climate change. Through the interactive approach, they were able to acquire not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills in teamwork, negotiation, and problem-solving.

What was particularly impressive was the passion and commitment of the youth, who actively want to advocate for a sustainable future. Many expressed that the game motivated them to delve deeper into environmental issues and initiate their own projects.

The organizers are already planning to repeat the event next year and involve more students and young people to further raise awareness about climate change.

The Walsroder Zeitung reported on us: https://www.wz-net.de/walsrode/jugendliche-retten-nur-noch-kurz-welt-id241014.html

Cover photo: (c) Scheele